Friday, August 05, 2005

Midnight Oil

So I decided to check my work Email from home this evening because I needed to get the address of a friend's house where we were holding our weekly poker night. It was in an Email I had left sitting in my inbox.

I open up the mailbox and find one of my users has sent me a note asking me if I could send in this report I had been working on yesterday by tomorrow. I decided to take tomorrow off so I could sleep-in in preparation for the upcoming lake trip (I like to relax before my vacations) and I really didn't want to break that assertion.

I went to Poker a later than usual after taking my time getting dinner and stuff. I didn't really feel like playing, but still wanted to be social. I got beaten in a Chess game (I'll get you next time Nick!). A good time was had by all.

I didn't want this report hanging over my head over the weekend though. And I really should have gotten it done today. It just slipped my mind. Should be a quick job.

So I actually went into work at 11:30 PM to work on the report. Luckily, it went smoother than I expected and I just got done with it. You can see the time of this posting below.

At least I managed to catch my boss online as he was still working too from home (he's like that). So maybe this is worth some brownie points.

I gotta wonder, this job devotion, or just a sickness?



At 12:29 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Hmmm. Devotion/Sickness? If you're like me, maybe a little of both. But, the insanity/nonsense level where I work is: HIGH, so lately, when I'm not there, I'll sit on e-mail & voice-mail for a while, and found that the latest 'crisis' has usually passed by the time I get back to them. It really, really works! Wish I would've thought of it sooner. Thanks for stopping by my blog, BTW!


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