Monday, October 16, 2006


I turned 26 today. I can't really tell you how I feel about this, as I'm not really sure I feel anything. If it weren't for the lingering significance the date October 16th hold in the back of my brain, I almost would have missed it.

But I can no longer say I am 25, because I'm not. In some ways, it feels like I've crossed some sort of threshold. After all, I am now officially past the midpoint of my '20's. The trouble is, I don't think it was a threshold I was ready to cross. I'm not ready to be 26. Twenty-six is damn near adult. And I'm not.

It also comes with the realization that in only 4 years I will be 30. Now maybe that sounds silly to those of you already past that point, or those of you who have already come to terms with it. But there was probably a time when you thought the same thing. There are certain things, though mostly intangible, I feel like I need to accomplish before I'm 30. I now have less time to do that.

But more than anything, it's the fact that turning 26 yields no real benefits. It isn't the first time you get to vote, you've already had alcohol legally, you don't get any more break on your car insurance. You're just older, nothing more, nothing less.


At 12:07 PM, Blogger Jeff and Heidi said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! and I am going to feel the same way you do in Jan. - one step closer to 30!!

At 8:40 AM, Blogger Krista said...

Happy Birthday!

Both the Nic(k)'s are old. They're just about 28 and a half. Nic even has some gray hairs. But 26 isn't too bad. The part that scares me is the high school reunion coming up in a year and a half. Has it really been almost 10 years? Crazy.

At 3:44 PM, Blogger rox said...

you're that much closer to being old enough to be president, I guess... :)


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