Tuesday, November 07, 2006


(Yeah, this post may piss some of you off.)

The polls closed two and a half hours ago, and the results for many races are already in. While I am dissappointed in the decisions on propositions by some of our neighbors (shame on you Wisconsin), I am quite happy with the good people of Minnesota.

We kept Kennedy from taking a seat in the Senate, which pleases me more than anything. And by a very large margin. And since he gave up his seat in the House for the camapaign, here's hoping this is the last we see of Mark Kennedy. I think Senator Amy Klobuchar is going to be a good thing for Minnesota, and the country.

My hat off to our Independence candaidates: Tammy Lee who took 21% in a traditionally overwhelming Democratic district (meaning no disrespect to Ellison, but I liked Lee better) and Robert Fitzgerald (a Morris graduate!) who managed to get 3% of the vote working with a budget of only $6300. It would be nice to see a viable third party rise in power, and these are a couple candidates I'd really like to see again (especially Fitzgerald).

Still waiting to hear from other parts of the country, but so far things are shaping up. It's about time this country woke up.


At 3:55 AM, Blogger DavidD said...

Progressives won in MN today. I suported Tammy Lee and will continue to support her. However, I hope that Mr. Ellison succeeds in Washington and doesn't disappoint the voters in the 5th. At least he won with a majority and not a plurality. Congrats Keith and Tammy for running campaigns based upon the issues


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