Thursday, July 20, 2006

Comcast is Stupid

I'm moving this weekend, so I called my cable company to have the service transferred to the new place this Saturday. Somehow, over the phone they heard me tell them to turn it off last Friday. So Friday afternoon, bith my TV and Internet go down. I promptly call them to find out what happened and arranged for a repair guy to come out on Sunday (I was busy Saturday). So the repair guy comes, about an hour late (I got up at 9:00am to wait for him too), and tells me that the service was infact turned off, but he is unable to turn it back on because in order to do that he needs to get into the maintainence room, which is locked. The main office, who holds the key is closed, so there was nothing he could do. I make another call to their customer service to arrange for my service to be turned back on Monday, which they did. Of course, one would think this would imply that they turn on all my services, but apparently not. I got my TV back, but my Internet is still turned off.

At that point, I just said 'screw it'. Hopefully, my service will be back on time this coming Saturday. But in the meantime I have been without an Internet connection. Right now I am typing this through a dial-up connection I managed to get. I meant to make a few posts this week, but I think they will have to wait (I think I forgot what I was going to write about).

Comcast is stupid.


At 8:03 AM, Blogger Christian said...

Time Warner is also stupid. Perhaps it is just an inherent quality of cable companies to be entirely incompetent.

And congratulations on your new place. Any housewarming party plans in the mix? I see Jell-O shots and three story beer bongs in your future.


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